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Breaking News: Elon Musk Invents New Type of A.I.

According to 30-year Silicon Valley and Wall Street veteran, Eric Fry... A man who picked 41 plays that jumped 1,000%+... Elon Musk is about to shock the world again with this new type of A.I.... Mining new millionaires in the process.

Elon's New A.I. Device is About to Shock the World

Using this device you see... Elon Musk just tested a new type of A.I. that according to Wired Magazine will usher in... "The next step in human evolution."

Mysterious Gold Leverage Just Announced

Ex-Goldman Sachs VP reveals a secret of the rich and connected that lets you tap into the upside of a huge amount of real, physical gold for just a few dollars at a time. He says the upside could be near 1,000% in the coming future.