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Could This New Project Top $1T?

This billionaire has predicted that his new venture - something I'm calling "X-9840" - could become "a trillion dollar company." Today, only three companies in the US are worth more than $2 trillion. Microsoft... Apple...and Nvidia. This has nothing to do with electric vehicles... Self-driving cars, rockets, brain chips, or satellites.

Wall Street Icon Warns: "A Great Financial Reset Is Underway"

The man CNBC called "The Prophet" predicted the 2008 housing crisis and the 2022 sell-off... Now, he says that despite the bull market, he's worried older Americans are holding the WRONG stocks in their portfolios for this stage of their lives. So, he's urging folks to buy "America's No. 1 Legacy Stock," which could help them build wealth they could pass on for generations.

Obama's 2024 Surprise: His Secret Plan to Finish What He Started

The ONLY way Democrats can keep the White House is to bring back Barack Obama. And there's a sneaky (yet 100% legal) way to achieve this. In fact, this disaster scenario is already underway. See what they're up to, and how you can get ready today.