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5 Wall Street Legends Just Bought This One Stock

"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu," says former Goldman Sachs VP, Dr. David Eifrig.

Trump Convicted... Now What?

While the Left celebrates his conviction, and the Right rallies around him... the average American is not prepared for what happens next. It will be even more shocking... surprise Americans of all political leanings... and could ultimately result in the first American Dictator.

The Greatest Legal Transfer of Wealth in History Is Underway

The man CNBC called "The Prophet" bought AAPL at $0.35, AMZN under $2.50, and NVDA before it soared 1,200%. Recently, he sat down for an exclusive interview, revealing EXACTLY where to put your money this year. An investment vehicle he's so confident in, he says he'd put 50% of his kids' inheritance into this stock.