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Could This New Project Top $1T?

This billionaire has predicted that his new venture - something I'm calling "X-9840" - could become "a trillion dollar company." Today, only three companies in the US are worth more than $2 trillion. Microsoft... Apple...and Nvidia. This has nothing to do with electric vehicles... Self-driving cars, rockets, brain chips, or satellites.

Man Who Called Nvidia at $1.10 Says Buy This Now...

In 2004, a man predicted Nvidia's rise. Now, he says a new company, which IPO'd in 2023, could soar like Nvidia. It signed a major deal with Apple for its AI tech in iPhones and iMacs. Could it be the next trillion-dollar company? See why he believes it's among "The Next Magnificent Seven."

"America's No. 1 Retirement Stock" (Name Inside)

According to the former Goldman Sachs VP -- who wrote a best-selling book on retirement -- one single stock stands head-and-shoulders above all others. And it should be the cornerstone of your portfolio. Have you heard of it?