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Could This New Project Top $1T?

This billionaire has predicted that his new venture - something I'm calling "X-9840" - could become "a trillion dollar company." Today, only three companies in the US are worth more than $2 trillion. Microsoft... Apple...and Nvidia. This has nothing to do with electric vehicles... Self-driving cars, rockets, brain chips, or satellites.

Don't Buy Bullion or Mining Stocks. Do THIS Instead

As gold continues to break all-time highs, many folks will run out and buy bullion or mining stocks. That's not the best way to ride this gold bull market higher. Note, this showed a 995% gain the last time we shared this same investment idea.

The 7th Trillion Dollar Company?

There are six American companies worth over $1 trillion. Could there be a seventh soon? This company signed a massive deal with Apple until 2040 and is also involved with Nvidia, Google, and Samsung. Could this be the next trillion-dollar company? A top stock expertpicker thinks so.