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Biden v. Who in 2024????

I predict that REAL battle for the 2024 election is NOT between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It will be between Joe Biden and ______ _______. (It's NOT RFK Jr.)

"America's No. 1 Retirement Stock" (Name Inside)

According to the former Goldman Sachs VP -- who wrote a best-selling book on retirement -- one single stock stands head-and-shoulders above all others. And it should be the cornerstone of your portfolio. Have you heard of it?

"If I Had To Pour Every Single Penny of My Retirement Into Just ONE STOCK..."

The former Goldman Sachs VP -- who called everything from Microsoft's 1,100% surge... to the death of the 60/40 portfolio -- is now stepping forward with his most explicit message yet: "Make this ONE STOCK the cornerstone of your portfolio."