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The 7th Trillion Dollar Company?

There are six American companies worth over $1 trillion. Could there be a seventh soon? This company signed a massive deal with Apple until 2040 and is also involved with Nvidia, Google, and Samsung. Could this be the next trillion-dollar company? A top stock expertpicker thinks so.

Must-See: Elon's New Invention is Absolutely Insane

When you click here and see what Elon Musk's new invention does... And how it works... You will NOT believe it. You'll tell yourself this is just science fiction. But Elon just tested this in a real human... And the result was mind-blowing.

Where Buffett, Gates, and Bezos Are Investing Now

Billionaires are plowing millions of dollars into a new technology that early estimates say could generate more wealth than A.I. -- and determine the future of companies like Microsoft. The problem? Most investors have no idea it's happening, or how to profit on it. This expert just went public with all the details, including which stocks to jump on immediately.